Besides, Your Neighbours Group Exhibition
December 13, 2014 - January 5, 2015
Opening December 13, 5pm - 9pm
Besides, Your Neighbours is an exhibition of works by artists made using materials sourced from the neighbours of different arts spaces. This project looks at what literally surrounds an art space, locating them within the contexts of their immediate surroundings.
With works by:
- Daniel Joyce for 8eleven
- Cameron Lee for 8eleven
- Shane Krepakevich for Art Metropole
- Emily Hogg for Weird Things
- Jessica Vallentin for Mercer Union
- V S V S V S for V S V S V S
We invite your participation in this project by sending us images documenting the results of interactions with the direct neighbour of an art space. Could be an object or an interaction, up to you. Images accepted will be included on ongoing project blog. You can submit your image directly through tumblr or to 233.spadina@gmail.com Please include your name, the name of the gallery and it’s neighbour.